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"The Last Rites of Quotient Lorenzo-Lochbaum," a short story for Vice Magazine's MOTHERBOARD

"Soon, the rich will extend their lifespans by purchasing immortality credits in a cap-and-trade system. Read the last rites given to a daughter who has agreed to die to add years onto her parents' lives.... Who would sign up to live forever, if it meant they had to die first? Years of life remaining are the last great commodity, priceless and non-transferable, and if we are to give them up, then we better do so for a very, very good reason."


— The Editors at Vice-Motherboard.

"Hanging From the Chandeliers," a non fiction essay for Black Clock Issue 19

"Randy Newman once sang, “I’ll talk to strangers if I want to, ’cause I’m a stranger too.” Pondering whether the madness that drives families, friends and lovers apart is really greater than the madness that holds them together, Black Clock 19 is full of mad strangers..."

Black Clock Magazine

"Invisible Woman" for Black Clock Issue 15

 "The story is a wonderfully bizarre series of correspondence from SCUM Manifesto author, Valerie Solanas to Andy Warhol. In this piece, Phillips writes, “Solanas’ ten-thousand letters to Warhol have been distilled here to best represent the writer’s enduring and noble spirit.” Full of voice and a fair bit of mania, the piece is terrifically inventive, and Phillips’ sardonic wit shines."

Katherine Manderfield for LAist

Black Market Babies, a novella for 11th Hour Press

"The kind of nightmare literary thrillseekers love.... recalling the adventure stories of Kathy Acker and the dystopian California vision of Nathanael West, Black Market Babies creates its own world from our thoroughly modern anxieties about family, sex and self. It is a dreamscape emanating from your television screen with the scan button going wild."

—Ann Powers, critic for The New York Times

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